Piet Mondrian generative art in Go

A Mondrian image generator in Go takes a canvas of a certain size and divides it into partitions, thus creating a Piet Mondrian inspired image with primary colored rectangles. The partition complexity can be varied and can greatly change how your resulting image looks like. To learn more about the partition complexity and the algorithmic approach, check out section "Algorithm description".

The Mondrian generator has the possibility to generate two styles of Mondrian-inspired images:

  • the classical Mondrian image with primary colored rectangle partitions which are outlined with black lines
  • a more abstract Mondrian inspired image with only primary colored rectangles which are not outlined

Algorithm description

The Mondrian Process

The core of the algorithm is the 2D Mondrian Process, as defined in [1]. We describe the 2D Mondrian Process M ~ MP(lambda, x0, x1, y0, y1) on the rectangle (x0, x1) x (y0, y1) with initial budget lambda = x1 - x0 + y1 - y0. A horizontal y-axis-aligned cut is made uniformly at random along the interval (y0, y1). The new point y_new splits (y0, y1) into two intervals (y_new, y1) and (y0, y_new) and the initial budget lambda is regenerated as lambda_new = lambda - Expcost, where Expcost ~ Exp(x1 - x0 + y1 - y0) is drawn from the exponential distribution with rate the sum of intervals. The process then recurses, generating independent Mondrian Processes MP(lambda_new, x0, x1, y_new, y1) and MP(lambda_new, x0, x1, y0, y_new) with diminished budget parameter lambda_new. The parameter lambda controls the number of cuts, with the process more likely to cut rectangles with large perimeters. The recursive process stops when lambda_new < 0, thus the budget is exhausted.

Interestingly enough, setting lambda_new = lambda - Expcost, where Expcost ~ Exp(x1 - x0 + y1 - y0) did not yield expected aesthetic results in our case because the inital budget was used up too slowly, which generated too many partitions. Trying out a Poisson distribution for the cost reduction also did not yield expected results becuse now the budget was used up to quickly, generating too few partitions. Finally, after trying the Gamma distribution (as part of the exponential distribution family we had a gut feeling that it might be a good fit), satisfying aesthetic results could be generated. Letting the alpha parameter fixed at alpha = x1 - x0 + y1 - y0 while we varied the beta parameter with a complexity factor greather than 0 (beta = (y1 - y0) * complexity), allowed us to generate partitions with slightly varied partition depth.

The algorithm

The partitioning algorithm takes a rectangle and splits it in two rectangles of randomly chosen sizes. This process continues for the new two rectangles, which are again split in two and so on. In order to prevent an infinite splitting of rectangles and ensure that the partitioning will eventually stop, we assign a starting budget lambda, which is reduced after every new partitioning. If the rectangle to be partitioned is large, a lower amount is deducted from the cost, in order to make the algorithm rather split the larger rectangles than the small ones.

The algorithm takes the following input parameters:

  • a fixed 2D empty canvas size (in pixels), for example 500x500. This will be the base rectangle for the first partitioning.
  • an initial Mondrian Process with parameters x1 and y1 set to the initial canvas size and initial budget parameter lambda set to x1 - x0 + y1 - y0.
  • boolean parameter horizontal, which tells the algorithm if the first cut should be horizontal (when horizontal=true) or vertical (when horizontal=false).
  • partitioning complexity parameter, which is directly embedded into the calculation of the partitioning cost deduction and thus controls how deep the algorithm will split the rectangles.

Without loss of generality let us assume that horizontal=true, meaning that the first split will be horizontal.

  • The algorithm starts with the initial rectangle represented by the Mondrian Process MP(lambda, x0, x1, y0, y1) of the initial canvas size and chooses a point y_new within the (y0, y1) interval uniformly at random.
  • It calculates the cost of the split and the new reduced budget lambda_new = lambda - Gammacost, where Gammacost is a random sample taken from the Gamma distribution with parameters alpha = x1 - x0 + y1 - y0 and beta = (y1 - y0) * complexity.
  • The result are two new Mondrian Processes MP(lambda_new, x0, x1, y0, y_new) and MP(lambda_new, x0, x1, y_new, y1).
  • The algorithm then runs recursively for the two new Mondrian Processes with horizontal=false, meaning that the following partition will be made vertically.
  • For lambda_new the recursion stops and all previously made partitions (rectangles) are returned in a single data type. To prevent large data sets being passed around between recursions, the algorithm works with pointers, reading data directly from memory and altering it there.


[1] Mondrian Process

Inspiration references